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Declare word meaning and definition

Beside meaning and definition for word "declare", on this page you can find other interesting information too, like synonyms or related words. On bottom of the page we have fun area, like tarot cards, numerology for these Seven characters, how to write "declare" with bar codes or hand signs and more.. Table of Contents:

Meaning and definition
Synonyms for declare
See also
Related words or terms

Letter statistic
Hand signs, morse code
Tarot cards, numerology
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Meaning and definition for "declare" word

[verb] state firmly; "He declared that he was innocent"
[verb] declare to be; "She was declared incompetent"; "judge held that the defendant was innocent"
[verb] announce publicly or officially; "The President declared war"
[verb] proclaim one's support, sympathy, or opinion for or against; "His wife declared at once for moving to the West Coast"
[verb] state emphatically and authoritatively; "He declared that he needed more money to carry out the task he was charged with"
[verb] make a declaration (of dutiable goods) to a customs official; "Do you have anything to declare?"
[verb] Bridge: designate (a trump suit or no-trump) with the final bid of a hand
[verb] authorize payments of; "declare dividends"
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\De*clare"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Declared}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Declaring}.] [F. d['e]clarer, from L. declarare; de + clarare to make clear, clarus, clear, bright. See {Clear}.] 1. To make clear; to free from obscurity. [Obs.] ``To declare this a little.'' --Boyle. 2. To make known by language; to communicate or manifest explicitly and plainly in any way; to exhibit; to publish; to proclaim; to announce. This day I have begot whom I declare My only Son. --Milton. The heavens declare the glory of God. --Ps. xix. 1. 3. To make declaration of; to assert; to affirm; to set forth; to avow; as, he declares the story to be false. I the Lord . . . declare things that are right. --Isa. xlv. 19. 4. (Com.) To make full statement of, as goods, etc., for the purpose of paying taxes, duties, etc. {To declare off}, to recede from an agreement, undertaking, contract, etc.; to renounce. {To declare one's self}, to avow one's opinion; to show openly what one thinks, or which side he espouses.
\De*clare"\, v. i. 1. To make a declaration, or an open and explicit avowal; to proclaim one's self; -- often with for or against; as, victory declares against the allies. Like fawning courtiers, for success they wait, And then come smiling, and declare for fate. --Dryden. 2. (Law) To state the plaintiff's cause of action at law in a legal form; as, the plaintiff declares in trespass.

Synonyms for declare

adjudge, announce, hold

See also: admit | advise | affirm | bastardize | bear witness | bless | condemn | decree | formalise | label | nolle pros | nolle prosequi | promulgate | saint | sentence | sound off | speak up | state | testify | verify |

Related terms: acknowledge, annunciate, charge, decree, discover, give an order, have, make a statement, manifesto, notify, nuncupate, order about, own, predicate, put it, report, speak up, submit, toot, vend, ventilate, vow

The fun area, different aproach to word »declare«

Let's analyse "declare" as pure text. This string has Seven letters in Two syllables and Three vowels. 42.9% of vowels is 4.3% more then average English word. Written in backwards: ERALCED. Average typing speed for these characters is 1975 milliseconds. [info]

Morse code: -.. . -.-. .-.. .- .-. .


Hearts desire number calculated from vowels: declare: 5 + 1 + 5 = 11, reduced: 11 . and the final result is Eleven.
Destiny number calculated from all letters: declare: 4 + 5 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 5 = 30, reduced: 3, and the final result is Three.

Tarot cards

Letter Num. Tarot c. Intensity Meaning
A (1) 1 Magician Creative, Inventive, Intuitive
C (1) 3 Empress Patient, Willful, Strong, Giving
D (1) 4 Emperor Determined, Persistant, Idealist
E (2) 5 Hierophant Wise, Crafty, Daring, Inventive
L (1) 12 Hanged Man Leader, Teacher, Healer, Decisive
R (1) 18 Moon Patient, Determined, Strong

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